Import Case - What Documents Are Required for China Customs Clearance of Coffee Products
Coffee powder refers powder ground from coffer beans. When 17 century when coffee was introduced to Europe in 17 century, it had been used as a drink in North Africa and West Asia for several hundred years. Nowadays coffee has become a very popular drink. All hot and moist regions in the world have open up coffee plantations. As below are the China Customs Declaration Sheet and Inspection and Quarantine Certificacate for a shipment with imported coffee powder from Malaysia that we, as a Guangzhou customs broker, helped handled recently. We would like to share more about coffee and the importation of coffee.

The required documents for customs declaration in China include sales contract, invoice, packing list, bill of lading, manufacturer¡¯s registration number at China customs system, shipper & importer¡¯s registration numbers at China customs system, certificate of origin, health certificate / phytosanitary certificate, Chinese label, Chinese translation of original labels, original labels, certificate of nutrition facts if required, etc,.

HS Codes & Customs Declaration Elements for Different Coffee Products
Based on the names for declaration and consumer¡¯s perceptions, coffee can be classified into below 8 types
1 Green Coffee Beans
Inside mature coffee fruits, also called coffee cherries, there is one or two oval coffee seeds which is green coffee beans. By exposing to sun, the water content of green coffee beans is decreased to 11%-13%. Depending on market needs, decaffeinating process will be furtherly adopted, which is to put green coffee beans into specific solvents to remove caffeinate. Green coffee beans that have been removed caffeinate are called decaffeinated green coffee beans. According to the internationally recognized standards, the weight of the coffeine contained in green coffee beans that have been decaffeinated shall not exceed 0.1% of the weight of the beans. That is to, coffeinate content per 100 gram decaffeinated green coffee beans shall not be more than 0.1 gram.
HS code for green coffee beans that have not decaffeinated is 09011100.
HS code for decaffeinated green coffee beans is 09011200.
Declaration elements include name, making/processing methods, variety and producing area
2 Roasted Coffee Beans
Roasted coffee beans refer to beans that have been roasted in high temperature. With rich aroma, they can be used as edible coffer materials directly.
HS code for roasted coffee beans that have not been decaffeinated is 09012100.
HS code for roasted coffee beans that have been decaffeinated is 09012200.
Declaration elements include name, making/processing methods, variety and producing area
3 Coffee Powder
Coffee powder is hand or mahchine ground from roasted coffee bean. As coffee, after ground to powder, is susceptible to oxidation and losing fragrance, coffee beans are normally ground right before cooking.
HS codes and declaration elements for coffee powder are same as those for roasted coffee beans.
4 drip coffee
Drip coffee refers to coffer powder that is put into small sealed package with filtering bag. Open the filtering bag by tearing the sealed line, fix the paper clips on the edge of a cup, porr hot water slowly through the flitering bag with coffer powder. There you have a cup of coffee.
HS codes and declaration elements for drip coffee are same as those for roasted coffee beans.
5 Instant Coffee ¡®
Instant coffee, commonly known as black coffee powder, is bottled and packed after beans are roasted, extracted, evaporated,freeze dried and metal detected.
The HS code for instant coffee is 21011100. And the declaration elements include ingredient content, packing specification, brand name.
6 Three in One Instant Coffee.
The main ingredients of three in one instant coffee are sugar, glucose syrup, vegetable oil and instant coffee. It is also added with small amount of stabilizer, emulgator, anti-caking agent, and colourant, etc,.
The HS code is 21011200, with same declaration elements as instant coffee.
7 Capsule coffee
The coffee powder is put into capsule cups or pills made of aluminum or other materials. The cups or pills are vacuumized or filled with harmless inert gas, nitrogen, for example, so as to isolate from oxygen and to extend shelf life.
The HS code is 21011200, with same declaration elements as instant coffee.
8 Coffee Beverage
The main ingredients of coffee beverage include water, coffee extract, sugar, milk, emulgator , and acidity regulator, etc.
The HS code for coffee beverage is 22029900. The required declaration info include name, ingredients, packing specification, brand name.
More Basic Knowledage about cofee
Types of Coffee Beans
1 Coffee beans can be classified to flat beans and rond beans by their shapes.
2 By processing methods, coffee beans can be classified to sun-dried beans, water-washed beans, and honey processed beans. Once harvested, coffee beans must be processed immediately otherwise they will start to fement and generate unpleasant smell.
3 By varieties, the most common coffee beans are Arabica, Rousta and Leberica. Therein, Arabica and Rousta are currently very popular.
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