Import Case - The Import Flow and Required Documents for China Customs Clearance of Logs and Timber
When importing logs and timber, many importers entrust a professiona China customs broker with one-stop import services. Many timber traders, long engaged in import business of logs and timber though, know little about the detailed import flow of logs and timber. As below, we would like to share the flow and the required documents for importation of logs and timber.

The Basic Operation Flow
Sign import agency contract¡úimporter provide the <a href="""" "" target="_blank">China customs clearance agent with relevant documents¡úlocate the Chinese HS code ¡úCheckif need certificate for non-regulated species or CITES ¡ú check if goods ready¡úbooking¡úload to container(s)¡úsea freigt¡úexchange D/O when shipment arrvies¡úCIQ declaration ¡ú customs declaration ¡ú customs verify the declared prices ¡ú customs issue tax bills ¡ú arrange tax payment ¡úcustoms inspection ¡ú customs release ¡ú fumigation & disinfection ¡ú pick up container(s) and make delivery.

Required Documents
Certificate of origin, phytosanitary certificate, fumigation, weight note, packing list, invocie, sales contract and sea waybill. Some woods shall obtained certificate for non-regulated species. Endangered species shall obtain CITES, Permit for Import(as pictured), Decision Letter that Grants Administrative Permission(as pictured )

Also pictured is the customs declaration sheet for a shipment with logs from Surinam which we helped clear.
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