Guangzhou|Shenzhen Customs Clearance Handling Cases for Class 2|3|9 Hazardous Goods
Hazardous goods is the general name for items that are inflammable£¬explosive£¬highly corrosive£¬poisonous or radioactive. Hazardous goods accounts for a considerable part of China¡¯s imported goods. China customs have more strict supervisions over hazardous goods for safety reasons.

Class 2 hazardous goods mainly include compressed gas, non-flammable gas, and poisonous gas. The common class 2 hazardous goods include fire extinguisher, helium, spary paint, methane, dimethylmethane, liquid ammonia, carbon monoxide and air freshener. SeaHog¡¯s Shenzhen customs broker team recently handled the import customs clearance procedures for a shipment with class 2 hazardous goods, protective agent for woodwork and cleaning agent for home textile, from Hong Kong . As below is the customs declaration sheet.

Class 3 hazardous goods is inflammable liquid, such as cementing compound, miscella, diluent and pressure sensitive adhesive. SeaHog, as a well-known China customs clearance agent, often handles import customs clearance for hazardous goods. There are two sets of customs declaration sheets. One is for adhesive originated in Japan that SeaHog¡¯s Shenzhen customs clearing agent team helped import via Shenzhen Huanggang port, the other is for silicone pressure sensitive adhesive that SeaHog¡¯s Guangzhou customs clearance agent team cleared at Guangzhou Nansha Port.

Class 9 Hazardous goods miscellaneous dangerous goods, for example lithium batteries and zinc oxide. As below you can see two customs declaration sheets. One is for a shipment with lithium batteries and capacitors that SeaHog¡¯s Shenzhen customs declaration agency team cleared at Shenzhen Huangpu team, the other is for zinc oxide that SeaHog¡¯s Guangzhou customs clearance agent team helped import via Guangzhou Huangpu port.

The required documents for China customs clearance of hazardous goods include sales contract, invoice, packing list, declaration of conformity for imported hazardous goods, Chinese label, MDDS.
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